And I thank you for visiting this site. If you are a visitor, I take it that you have seen “Black Hearts And Blue Devils” advertised somewhere and are wondering what the hell it is about and, and is it worth buying. Being biased of course, I would say that yes, it’s definitely worth buying. If you are interested in the Black Country, and especially in the ‘old’ Black Country (Black Hearts is set in the 1880s) then this is the book for you: it gives you a feel for the area, and Black Country life and its dialect/accents (not that it’s written entirely in that arcane language, just enough to set the scene, you understand); and it does all of this, I like to think, in an entertaining way. Yes, the story is one of fiction, but much of the action takes place against a backdrop of real historical places, and drawing from actual folk-lore, and folk-memory which Black Country aficionados will recognise, although that’s not an essential factor for your enjoyment! First and foremost this is a novel, meant to entertain, not a dry historical treatise! As to the plot, well, you’ve probably already read about that in the blurb – put simply, it’s a smashing yarn (‘bostin” as true Black Country folk might say.)
And for those of you unfamiliar with the locations described in the various chapters, I will endeavour to update this site occasionally with photos of places featured, either historic ones or those taken by myself when I was researching this book. Now, if you wish to catch up on past posts which include such pictures, I have a Facebook page which you can find by searching FB for Black Hearts And Blue Devils; typing in HenryMill Phillips might also get you there. There, if you go through my posts, you will find sample excerpts from the book, to whet your appetite, as well as explanatory or descriptive photos which will help you visualise where you are as you read. For a starter on this site, which has only just been set up, I am attaching a picture of the famous Galton Bridge in Smethwick, to help orientate you, as this is the inspiration for the location depicted on the cover of Black Hearts. If you visit that Facebook page, please don’t forget to like it (unless you don’t, I suppose). And if you buy the book, I hope you love it. Till next time – Harry Phillips.
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