Today, I want to share a picture with you of the house in which I was born. It is in Wellington Road, Smethwick. In Black Hearts And Blue Devils it is the home of members of the Wellings’ family. Chapter 12 is entitled One Sunday In Smethwick, and introduces us to Augustus Wellings (a former leading member of the ‘Smethwick sloggers’) and his brothers. In real life, and some sixty or seventy years later it was to become the home of the Phillips’ clan, upon which the Wellings family is loosely modelled. The second picture is included then to give you some idea of what the Wellings’ might have looked like – it is of Gladys Phillips with her daughters and a couple of her sons, and their other halves. the Wellings (or some of them) first have contact with the Livelys when they opt to go on a foray into Blackheath in the summer of 1887, on the look-out for the infamous Spring Heeled Jack; certain members of the families meet again later when Abraham Lively is on a mission to track down a criminal who has fled his “patch.”

Finally, please note that I have a web-site now. I hope to populate it with posts such as this one due course, as well as keeping the Black Hearts Facebook page going. The address is -

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